1 minute read

Some work has been done over the past view days. Our website providers automatically informed Facebook followers about brand new ‘search friendly’ website url. You should follow - we are nice people :). And of course - it doesn’t mean old one is not working - we support both!

Testing out some ribbons on products. They should display clearer what’s on sale at the moment. We wanted to make extra menu item but unfortunately we cannot make it bold or red or something which will catch your eye in case you are on a saver’s path right now :(

Moreover, we are exceptionally sad about it but RoyalMail (our delivery company) has reviewed their shipping costs and zones and introduced a new one - Zone 3 which is purely just for USA customers. The pricing is different than previous Zone 1. With broken heart we must increase shipping costs just for you guys ;(. I guess it was meant to happen as we saw similar things appearing on other platforms too. One way or another - USA customers got extra charged just because they support Europe (small) business.

We are not happy but we will continue our work to meet your expectations as much as we can!
